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What our Clients are saying, 

These are testimonials from previous clients. 

Please Scroll down through them. 

Mrs P Essex 

Moms and Babies

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Our Testimonials Page

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Mrs P Essex

Tess came to us as a maternity consultant when our twins were born at 35 weeks 4lbs and 6lbs.

Tess gave us a very comprehensive kit list before the boys were born, which was so helpful. 

We worked together to lay the foundations for the routine and got the boys into a 3 hrly feeding and sleeping pattern, then throughout the 7 weeks we started to introduce aspects of the routine into our daily pattern, so when we implemented the routine the boys were ready to make those changes and the transition was easier for them.

Tess also left us with comprehensive plans and a timeline that showed where and when to adjust and tweak the routine and how to get there.

Tess was a great support on every level in my most stressful days she took the load off me and did all the domestic chores as well as caring for the boys. I would highly recommend Tess to anyone looking for support and guidance and looking to implement a routine, which works well with family life. 


Mrs J London

                                    Tess is all you could ask for in a maternity consultant - vastly experienced, professional, supportive, caring, kind, patient, trustworthy, and an invaluable asset in any household with newborns.

We had an incredibly high-risk MCMA twin girls who were scheduled to be born at 32 weeks and that we would have 4-6 weeks in hospital with the twins before we could bring them home.

Unfortunately one of our twins required emergency surgery for bowel complications at just 24hrs old 8 weeks premature. This twin was then hospitalized 8 times over the first ten months of her life.

She had a colostomy bag and 3 drains coming out of her abdomen and added to this she also had bad reflux. I spent a total of 2 and a half months living in Great Ormond street hospital with her whilst Tess was at home looking after our other twin allowing dad to go to work.

We ended up keeping Tess for over a year - she was always totally reliable and flexible and never let us down when we suddenly needed her to work more than her usual weekly scheduled days.

It was an incredibly difficult time. Tess was absolutely invaluable.

Whatever we had to deal with, physically, mentally and emotionally, Tess was amazing.

She was calm supportive and very proficient at dealing with health issues and challenges.

Tess is a fantastic teacher and has a huge knowledge of babies, toddlers and in fact all ages of children having worked for 25 years with all age groups.

Tess is also solution-driven: any problem or challenge you have she helpfully comes up with ideas to fix the problem.

We were so lucky to have Tess helping us, her knowledge, expertise and complete professionalism, coupled with her sensitivity and calm demeanor made a huge difference to our lives, something we will never forget, I couldn't recommend Tess highly enough.


Mrs B London

I was in a desperate state when I contacted Tess; on my knees with exhaustion after six months of breastfeeding, co-sleeping and sleep deprivation but in a seemingly impossible situation as our daughter was refusing a bottle so I couldn’t delegate feeding to another carer nor could I catch up on rest to regain my strength.

In walked Tess like Mary Poppins.

Within day one our little girl was happily guzzling milk from a bottle and eating solids.

By day two she was settled into her own room and – by some miracle - sleeping through the night.

By day three Mama had regained her strength and confidence and by day four we were left with a happy healthy baby on a predictable and manageable routine.

It was a tall order to master feeding, sleep, and routine for a 6-month-old in just four days but Tess took the brief very seriously and was absolutely determined to leave us in good stead – which she did.

She’s like a ‘baby whisperer’ with an innate understanding of their needs and behaviors to provide parents with the knowledge, confidence, and framework for happy babies and calmer parents.

I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Tess

 to new parents in a similarly desperate situation needing some expert support for troubleshooting.


Mrs H (Chester.)

After finding out we were having twins, we decided that a structured routine was going to be the best option for us, to help us implement this, 

Tess bought her knowledge and taught us a great deal about babies, The boys were kept in the hospital for 6 days after birth due to weight loss. During this time Tess provided valuable information and advice, which we were not receiving from the hospital.

Having some issues with breastfeeding, 

Tess talked me through the options and after my decision to stop, provided me with a reduction plan and explained warning signs to look out for, 

Tess always had the boy's best interest at heart, while implementing the 24-hour very practical routine of care, which worked well for our family.

We highly recommend Tess. 


Mrs B (Hampshire)

With the challenge of newborn twin girls and a toddler. Tess was of great help in getting us through the difficult first few months. From the moment she arrived, she was putting her systems into place and ensuring the house was well organized to accommodate the babies.

In addition to this, she was proactive in offering help and guidance with our 2 yr old. As I was recovering from a C-section and he had a broken leg so was in a full leg cast from his hips down!

From day one she was responsible, reliable and punctual and offered advice and new ideas to help us.

She was particularly supportive when one of the twins was diagnosed with Reflux and gave us the benefit of her years of experience in working with many premature babies.

Overall I would highly recommend Tess for her dedication to, consistency with and knowledge of new-borns. We certainly could not have done it without her help and guidance.

We are very happy to highly recommend Tess. 


Dr S (Hong kong)

Tess was our Maternity nurse for our Newborn for 6 weeks.

Tess was highly professional. Dedicated, pleasant to live with, and an asset to our family during this special time.

Tess was loving and caring with the baby. By the time she left the baby was sleeping long stretches and in a good routine. She was also great with our 2 yr old.

During her time with us, we encountered many of the issues associated with a newborn, such as Mastitis, toddler tantrums an entourage of visitors and grandparents staying. In every circumstance, Tess was experienced, Knowledgable, diplomatic, and helpful.

I have no hesitation in highly recommending Tess as a maternity coach for any family.


Mrs A W C (London)
VIP Family

Tess came to work for us when our son was seven weeks old. He was not in a routine and was suffering from Colic. 

Tess was a brilliant troubleshooter - she helped us make changes to the way we were feeding and winding our baby which quickly had a positive effect. This was our second child and I was amazed by how much my husband and I were able to learn from her.

Many changes were very simple but extremely effective and we were thankful to be able to draw on her experience.

We are thrilled with the progress our son has made in this short amount of time.

In addition to easing the symptoms of colic, Tess was able to put our son into a routine that worked for him and taught us how to adapt this routine over the coming months.

What is remarkable about Tess is the care she puts into every feed, playtime, bath, and sleep. She always strives to get things right. Additionally, we were very impressed by the effort she made to make sure we were adequately prepared to continue the routine once she left.

She was wonderfully kind to our toddler and baby and we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work.

We have no hesitation in highly recommending Tess. 


Mrs T  (London)

Tess saved our lives and sanity when she started to work for us.

Our twins were 2 months when she came to us and we were in desperate need of routine and structure.

The twins went from feeding on demand and having erratic/ irregular sleep patterns to feeding and sleeping well at specific times. Which worked well for the babies and us.

Tess taught me everything I need to know about their signals and cues, and what their cries meant. Tess supported me with my breastfeeding working on my technique.

I have no hesitation in recommending Tess to new parents, she has an extensive wealth of knowledge and experience.

I have no hesitation in highly recommending Tess 


Mrs K R   (Reading)

Tess came to work with us as our maternity nurse for our newborn premature twins for four weeks in June. We found her to be an excellent maternity nurse and an expert in her field

She is very good at teaching you how to read cues and signals – what a baby with wind looks and sounds like, or what noises a baby might make if the baby is suffering from fluid problems.

Her tips for eliminating wind in tiny tummies are like magic – they really do work. 

What is particularly interesting about Tess’s views on the importance of helping babies with wind is that if you don’t persevere with it at each feeding time, wind can slowly build up throughout the day leading to a hugely distressed child come the evening and night time. And we have never had that – my husband comes home from work to a very calm house, and is able to relax, have supper and watch the Tour de France for a bit before the last feed at 10.00 pm!

In addition to undertaking all nursery duties during her stay with us, Tess was very kind at helping with other things – loading/unloading the dishwasher, helping empty bins, preparing supper, or cuddling two dogs in need of a little TLC – and I was very grateful of this extra help. 

She was also very aware that I had had a difficult pregnancy and C-section and was firm in making sure I looked after myself, making sure I slept and ate properly and didn’t lift heavy objects!

I have no hesitation in recommending Tess to any future employer and my only disappointment is that we cannot keep her with us for longer. I have no doubt that we will remain in touch for future troubleshooting bookings as the babies grow up.

I would highly recommend Tess. 


Mrs J W ( London) 

Tess arrived when our son was two weeks old, originally on a four-week basis, but in the end, stayed until he was nearly 9 weeks. It was brilliant to have Tess there in those first few weeks when things are so hard and daunting. I thought I’d be ok as this was my second child, but I began dreading my husband going back to work after paternity leave!

Tess was great at establishing a routine that fitted both my newborn sons’ and my 3-year-old toddlers' demands, which is not an easy task! I now have a calm and happy baby who is sleeping well, and I also have time in my day for some ‘one-to-one’ time with my toddler.

Tess was especially good at reading my son's cues, and knowing when he was hungry, windy, or just overtired! She was really patient at winding him (which was great to relieve his reflux symptoms) and showing me new techniques.

I would highly recommend Tess to anyone who is looking for some structure to their day so that they can actually leave the house! Tess is good-humored and kind, and we miss her help greatly!

I Have no hesitation in Highly Recommending Tess to any new parents. 


Mrs F ( Worcester)

Tess immediately recognized and showed us how to correct our son's jaundice and feeding problems. So that he could quickly regain the significant amount of weight he had lost since birth.

Every day my husband and I grew more confident under Tess's guidance and we were surprised at how quickly our son began to grow from an exhausted, struggling baby into a happy, thriving little boy.

Tess was incredibly attentive to our son, who loved her, and patient with us as new parents, identifying how we best learned and adapting her teaching style to accommodate our needs.

Tess left us with a solid understanding of how to nurture a healthy baby by ensuring that we fully understood the key principles behind her routine.

We also know Tess is at the end of a phone/email when we hit a difficult patch, what more could a new baby and parents ask for.

I have no hesitation in Highly recommending Tess.


Mrs R K (Oxford)

Tess instantly restored a sense of calm upon her arrival and set up a routine.

Tess taught us to understand Baby G's cues, how to wind him properly, how to increase my breast milk supply. as well as passing on a wealth of information on feeding and sleeping.

Tess was very supportive of me as a new mother ensuring that I ate and drank enough, as well as making sure I was well-rested.

Tess is authoritative, however with this patience and calm, with a good sense of humor. She fitted into our home very quickly.

Before Tess left we had established a feeding and sleeping routine, that we and Baby G was happy with.

Tess provided us with plans to guide us through the next few months with baby G.

We would have no hesitation recommending Tess, particularly if you are keen on a routine.

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